
Smokin Guns MC

Honor - Respect - Family 

The Smokin’ Guns MC is a Law Enforcement, family and community focused motorcycle club. We are made up of State, Local and Federal Law Enforcement Officers active and retired. We also have a membership of individuals that share the same core values as Law Enforcement Officers. We require that all of our members conduct themselves as a respectable member of our society and expect every member of our club to act with Integrity, Honesty, and Respect, the same standard expected of Law Enforcement Officers. We exist to help fellow LEO's and their families in times of need. We also support the community that we have sworn to protect and are here to help those who are not able to help themselves. We believe that our families come first, our careers second, and the MC third. Keeping these priorities in order are vital to our success.

Check us out on our Facebook page for more information.